Wednesday 1 April 2009

A Quick Curry At 388

but first out to buy some wine,
when we came across this example of bamboo scaffolding, all very neatly done,
but I do not think I would try it myself, well not without health and safety flip-flops!
Jay and Precil called round for a impromptu curry, whilst they were here a huge thunder storm started,
but it soon stopped and the sun came out,
Mark called rounds for a cup of tea,
then Ali called round with the curry so it was time for the girls to serve the food,
it is always the way, the moment you start to eat the phone goes!
Jay and Precil, as usual we over ordered the food,
myself and Diana, "Cheers!"
Diana was just about to turn this fan on when,
it fell over! no warning it just went crash, oh well at some time up to the new fan shop.

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