Saturday 8 August 2009

By The Time You Read This I Will Be On My Way To The Philippines,

I along with Joe are going to see Diana and her family for a few days, so we will not be here for this Saturdays get together, but back to Friday, I took a stroll to the market, as always this truck was parked by the wheelchair ramp, making a wheelchair unfriendly place even more so, it is a pity that the folks in city hall do not put themselves in a wheelchair for the day to see how bad getting around town really is, I say this as one one of my friends in the UK is wheelchair bound and was looking at coming over here,
but on to the market, this is the view looking towards the plant and animal section,
dogs and cats, hamsters and rabbits,
birds and of course tropical fish,
lots of plants,
and my favorites, orchids,
and even some bonsai as well, a Saturday joke, what do you call a big bonsai? a tree!
lots of other things to buy,
a great place to look around,
many times I have made mention of IT City or Center, well this is it,
it is just past Friendship on the same side, 5 floors of mobile phones and computers with all of the accessories you can think of,
well back from shopping and a few "Welcome Home" presents for Diana when we get back next week,
then a bit of work on my train set, first crumple some paper to make some terrain,
then dampen some plaster cloth and arrange over the paper,
till the paper is all covered,
this then dries but leaves a not very good surface,
so I mix up some plaster and water and paint till a finish with no holes is obtained, then coffee break and get ready for the town!
lots of Asian tourists in town at the moment,
they all seem fascinated by the bug carts in town,
nearby one of the seafood restaurants are doing a roaring trade, I had my usual steak then on to see Juu, home and off to bed then awake and fly! so no more posts till next week, then I will put on all of the Philippine trip pictures, TTFN (Tat Ta For Now)

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