Friday 9 September 2011

Before We Went Fishing,

we rearranged some of our DVD collection,

BluRay and documentaries on the old bookcase in the living room leaving all of the fiction titles in the 'office',

 then off fishing, we were not there long before Nick caught the first of the day,

 Jay brought along his camera,

 then it was my turn for a catch,

 one for the pot!

 the lizards were like last time also interested in our bait,

 they wait for a few pieces of the bread bait to fall to the floor,

I had always thought that lizards only ate insects, but bread is evidently on their menu as well,

 another lizard waiting for some bait, but this one with a cropped tail,

another fish for Nick, by now he was a few in the lead,

 then another for me,

the girls of course got down to the serious part of the afternoons fishing, eating!

 then it was Jay's turn to reel one in,

 helped by Nick,

more food arrived for the girls,

 a damselfly takes a rest on my float,

 then another for Jay,

 a happy Jay with two fish in the bag, meanwhile I was trailing Nick who was well on his way to a double figure catch,

 ice cream for the girls dessert,

 another for Nick,

then time to go, Precil wanted to keep one of the fish that Jay caught, whilst we kept three fish, the rest went back to fight another day,
but just as we were leaving Nick caught another one, making the score Nick 12, Jay 2, myself 6, oh well better luck next time,

 after weighing the fish it was time to go,

 to Nick and Maureen's house,

 the banana plant was doing well,

 plenty of bananas for a few weeks time,

Maureen had cooked a huge delicious chicken casserole followed by cheese, biscuits and celery for the boys and ice cream for the girls, we followed that by a game of Monopoly,

I was falling on hard times as you can see from the number of mortgaged properties I have in front of me,
the eventual winner being Jay, who had more money than the bank! many thanks for Nick and Maureen putting up with us and for a lovely meal,

 then home feet up for a few more disasters,

well the back of the DVD says it all,

finally we started on series 8 of MI5, episode #8.1, Harry Pearce is kidnapped, Ruth, now married and with a stepson was also a target but goes secretly to MI5, but some one knows she went their, then for us off to bed.

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