Monday 21 May 2012

Today Started Bright And Sunny,

as it is Sunday we were going out for lunch,

but first a couple of pictures of the amaryllis, only two flowers on one stem this time,

I then noticed a secondd flower stalk, hopefully this one will have a few more flower heads on it,

I actually put some fertiliser on all of the pots a couple of days ago, but then it rained so I guess most of it would have been washed away, so more fertiliser next time we are at the market,


next stop the Punch & Judy, notice I am wearing my new shirt,


where we had arraigned to meet Mr. Tony for lunch, prawn cocktail for him,

Diana and myself shared a liver pate,

Mr. Tony ordered a sheppards pie,

Diana went for a gammon steak,

whilst I went with a steak and beer pie with hand cut chips, 'Cheers!',

for dessert we all went with the apple pie and custard,


which was delicious,

back to 388 where we were joined by Slim Jim who had just returned from the States,

he had very kindly brought back a huge bag of lollipops for Diana,

and a box of chocolates for myself,

already I am thinking I will not be seeing many of these!


and special they were too, a box of See's Famous Old Time Candies, making candies since 1921 you know they are going to be delicious,

and they were! we had one then magically the box disappeared in to the dark recesses of Diana's chocolate store in the fridge,


Mike called on the telephone to see if we were in so he later popped in for a coffee or two and a chat,


along with Sally and Riza,

the girls settled down to some serious eating, whilst the guys watched some television,


the fish in both tanks were keeping everyone amused,


but in one two of the crayfish had been fighting, this one with only one main claw was the loser,


this one with two was the one that won!

there is a third much smaller crayfish in the aquarium, so I guess he was just a spectator,

we watched a couple of films two in 3D, firstly Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk, one of the many IMAX films that have been released in 3D, hopefully many more will follow, it was great fun dodging the splashes,

next Ocean Wonderland, great special effects, terrible script, but enjoyable neither the less,

for special effects we went for 2012, I guess everyone knows the story by now, but fun to watch just the same, then by now it was getting late,

our guests left so Diana and my self settled down to an episode of Waking the Dead, this episode called False Flag, a wall is demolished exposing a car with a body and a booby trap in it, for the full story have a look here, after that it was late so we were off to bed.

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