Sunday 10 November 2013

This May At First Glance,

look like the road white line painters,

that applied this white line on Crumpler Road near Valley Oak Drive in the city of Memphis were being a bit lazy by not sweeping up the pile of leaves first before painting over them, but there is a reason why, Memphis City Engineer John Cameron defended the decision to paint over the leaves

'it was done per our policy', he commented, 'we have over 750 miles of street that we stripe, We try to do that over a three year cycle', Cameron says road striping is done in a three-vehicle convoy that stretches nearly a thousand feet, 'once this large convoy gets rolling, it's really safer and more efficient for it to just keep rolling, We don't want to, particularly on a busy street, to stop the convoy', he said,

so all car drivers in Memphis be sure to check your car is not parked when the white lining crew come to town, it could be your car white lined as the crew and convoy can not stop!

I should in fairness say that the stream of paint can be halted and restarted so that debris can be skipped, regardless the convoy is not supposed to stop, Cameron says crews are being reminded of the instructions that they will hopefully follow.

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