Friday 15 April 2016

It Looks Like The Moon,

and it is topographically accurate,

 the globe is a truly accurate 1/20 million replica of the Moon featuring all the craters, elevation and ridges in accurate 3D, 

 product designer Oscar Lhermitte has collaborated with design studio Kudu to produce a globe of the mooon that incorporates a moving 'sun' that rotates around the globe, 

with three settings, you can manually twist the moon to the position you desire, place it on demo mode to let you see all phases in 30 seconds, or switch it to live mode to have the piece synchronize with the current position of the moon itself, in addition to a physical similarity to the moon, the globe also has an intrinsic connection to it, MOON’s computer system has the exact same memory as the Apollo 11 computers that landed the first men on the earth-orbiting giant, although not yet in production you can find out more on MOONs Kickstarter page and no I am not on commission! but what a great teaching aid for future astronomers.

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