Saturday 21 October 2017

Chemistry Lessons At School,

back in the 1960s,

 were full of wonders, like choking, burning, scalding and screams to name just a few,

 all of which happened with alarming regularity when the chemistry master left us alone for some time,

but we did learn things about chemical reactions, and it was these reactions that filmmaker and photographer WenTing Zhu was interested in, above are a few GIFs from these short but fascinating videos below,

they take on a near miraculous quality as part of this ongoing Beauty of Science series,

 Zhu has just shared several new videos highlighting electrodeposition, precipitation, bubbles, metal displacement, and many others, 

You can see more on the Beauty of Science website, I guess in today's health and safety days kids can no longer experiment as we used to, and have mini labs like the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab, ah, those were the days, and I still have the scars to prove it!

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