Tuesday 17 April 2018

In The Afternoon,

rainbows over Pattaya, 

 first one,

 then two appeared, 

 we decided to take a chance,

 and pop to the market,

 we were looking for some roasted duck,

 or chicken soup for our evening meal,

 but alas it was not to be,

 whilst there were many stalls in the market,

 a huge number of stallholders had gone back to their homes for the Songkran celebrations,

so we returned empty handed, 

then after our evening meal, it was feet up for an evening of Cheers, great fun, our favorite character Coach,

we rounded the evening off with Endeavour, a great series and here is some great news, just three days ago it was announced there will be another series, and with that we were off to bed.

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